Tuesday, June 24, 2014

PT SEMEN GRESIK, member of Semen Indonesia Group, invite you to develop your career. If you are a high potence, integrity and look for a challenge to join our competitive job circumstances, we invite for all of Diploma III to join in our company with the requirements below:

Teknik Kimia
Teknik Mesin
Hiperkes - K3
Teknik Elektro (Elektronika)
Administrasi Niaga
Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
Teknik Sipil
Manajemen Keuangan
Teknik Tambang
Manajemen Informatika
Sistem Informasi
Manajemen SDM
Manajemen Pemasaran
Manajemen Logistik

Online Registration :
Online Registration Start from 23 June 2014 - 02 July 2014, 24.00 WIB

General Requirements:
1. WNI (Indonesian People)
2. Graduate on Diploma III (D-III)
3. GPA min. 2,75 (scale 4)
4. Max.Age 25 years old in 23 June 2014
5. Good Condition, Good Health and Mental
6. Free from Drugs, and Other forbidden Narcotics
7. Able to be attempted around Indonesia (Sub-Branch of Company)